08-13-17 Isaiah 53:4-10 - This is the first in a new topical series on Spiritual Warfare. In this sermon I cover the most important weapon we have at our disposal: our salvation. God loves His children, he even sent His own Son to die for them. This allows us to fight sin, temptation, discouragement, depression, and of course secures our future. I hope this series encourages and equips you.
08-20-17 2 Kings 18:1-8 - In spiritual warfare idolatry is a huge issue. Just because we are not bowing down before statues today does not mean we don't idols and other false gods. I hope this sermon convicts you of what idols are coming between you and God today.
08-27-17 1 John 4:1-6 — All of spiritual warfare is about whether or not you call Jesus Lord. Many of us call Him Lord but we don't always act like it. The fact is: Jesus is Lord over all things. If we feel or think otherwise we are in rebellion. Don't wait, act before it is too late. Turn your life over to Him. As your Lord, He will make all things new and take care of you throughout eternity.
09-03-17 John 17:1-26 — After the Last Supper and before He went to the cross, Jesus prayed His "High Priestly Prayer" in this passage. Not only is Jesus one with the Father, but we Christians are one with Jesus, and being one with Jesus we are one with each other. God is glorious and powerful, Jesus is glorious and powerful, and Jesus makes us glorious and powerful. He does not pray that the Father remove us from the this ol' sinful world, but that we be kept from the evil one.
09-10-17 Matthew 3:1-12 — We can't help that we sin, but God stands ready and willing to forgive if we repent. To repent means to turn away from our sin - what is displeasing to God - and to turn towards God. Christians should know how to admit when they are wrong and apologize better than anyone. It's the whole reason we are Christians. We have admitted our guilt and said we are sorry to God.
09-17-17 Job 1:6-12 — One of the most misunderstood stories in the Bible is that of Job. He is a good man, a really good man, so Satan and God decide to put him to the test by bringing all kinds of misfortune on him. In the end, he does stay faithful to God. The challenge to the rest of us is to ask ourselves the question, "Will I stay faithful to God no matter what? Is there something that could happen to me that would cause me to walk away from my faith?" Stay strong, and trust in the Lord.
09-24-17 Matthew 28:18-20 — After Jesus rose from the dead, He hung out with His disciples for 40 days. Once that was over Jesus ascended into heaven, but before He left He gave us His final instructions: "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every nation." This needs to be the motto of our church as we look at the mission we are already involved in around the world and as we look at our local mission in our area.
10-01-17 Colossians 3:17 Philippians 2:5-11 Revelation 7:9-12 — We do church work for many reasons. We often say we come to church because we enjoy the fellowship. We evangelize because we fear our friends and neighbors will go to hell if we don't. The Bible teaches all of these motivations, but the one that gets over-looked is actually the most important. We ultimately should do these things to the glory of God. Where the other reasons fail, this one will carry us through.
10-08-17 Ephesians 6:10-20 — Put on the full armor of God! If He is offering us armor, we must be going into a war-zone. You wouldn't dare go into battle without your armor or your sword which is the Word of God. Paul ends this metaphor by encouraging us to pray always.
10-15-17 Genesis 6:5-7, 8; Gen. 19:23-25; Deut. 7:1-5; Jude 5-8, 11-13 — Sometimes the biggest problem that modern Christians have is believing in the reality of sin and God's punishment of it. Just to make sure we are all on the same page, this sermon is an overview of the times God decided to utterly destroy a people, city, or nation for their sin. The point is to learn to take sin seriously and to understand what a miracle it is that God intervened for us sinners.
10-22-17 James 1:1-15 — In his letter to Christians everywhere, James the brother of Jesus tells us that we need to change our perspective. We may see trials and temptations as a bad thing but he says they are our chance to prove whose side we are on. As you face hard times, use those times to show the world whose side you are on.
11-05-17 Proverbs 5:1-23 — I think "Drink water from your own well" is possibly one of the funniest lines from the Bible because it's not actually talking about water! The Bible has a lot to say about marriage but in this sermon I do my best to cover how our commitment to each other should display God's commitment to us. In this way, marriage is not just an institution or relationship that we need to protect from the devil, but a weapon to be used against him.
11-12-17 Joshua 1:1-9 — Today one of our deacons shared his testimony and I have included that track here. In the sermon we look at Joshua just before he led the Children of Israel to conquer the Promised Land. He has to be told repeatedly to not be afraid but be strong and courageous and go take the land. We should keep this attitude in mind as we strive to take back our family and friends from Satan's control.
11-26-17 Jonah 4:1-11 — During this time of Thanksgiving I present to you the prophet Jonah. He has basically overseen a revival in a pagan land but is not thankful for how God has used him. Instead he harbors resentment against the Ninevites and against God. Let this serve as a warning to us who would be discouraged despite all that God has blessed us with.
12-03-2017 Hebrews 13:1-6 — We may not talk about generosity and hospitality very much in evangelical churches but they are very important in the Bible. Throughout Genesis Abraham's relatives prove they share Abraham's values by practicing sacrificial hospitality. God did not withhold His only Son from us, but freely (and generously) gave Him to us to save us from our sin. When we practice hospitality and generosity we show people what God is like and hopefully advance His kingdom.